About me
Welcome to my personal website!
I am a second-year PhD student in Gradient Spaces Lab at Stanford, supervised by Prof. Iro Armeni. I obtained my Master Degree at EPFL, Switzerland, where I worked with Prof. Alcherio Martinoli, Dr. Iordan Doytchinov and Prof. Bertrand Merminod. I received my Bachelor’s Degree at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). I am broadly interested in 3D vision and Robotics in dynamic environment.

- Teaching Assistant: Multivariable control and coordination systems (EE-477 Fall 2021) @ EPFL.
- Teaching Assistant: Designing for Gradient Spaces (CEE-342 Spring 2024) @ Stanford.
Workshop Organisation: Long-Term Perception@IROS 2024
Reviewer: CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS, IROS