
Semester project

Distributed Model Predictive Control Architectures for Multi-Rotor Micro Aerial Vehicles

Three types of Distributed MPC architectures were formulated for the leader-follower formation control of multiple MAVs and compared in a MATLAB simulator. According to the performance on formation control. robustness to communication quality and computational time, the best type was selected and compared with a Decentralized MPC controller in a Webots-ROS simulator. Code has not been open-source yet.

[Slides] [Report]

Course project

Monocular Visual Odometry Pipeline

Mini project for Vision Algorithms for Mobile Robots given by Prof. Davide Scaramuzza, 2021.

My teammate Yujie has built a nice web summarizing the project.

[Video] [Code] [PDF]

Autonomous Navigation and Landing for Crazyflie

We programed based on Crazyflie 2.1 to find and precisely land on a platform with height of 10 cm by utilizing z reading from flow deck. Additionally, We also utilized sensor readings from multi-ranger deck to avoid the obstacles presented in the environment.

[Video] [Code] [Slides]

Sim2Real Development for Thymio with ROS

We implemented autonomous navigation with obstacle avoidance of the Thymio-II robot from simulation in Gazebo to real-world tests.

[Video] [Code] [Report]